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Speech communication 2024

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Speech communication
Speech communication is one of the required courses for business students, in General you will present 5 different speeches: 1 – Impromtu Speech 2 – Informative Speech 3 – persuasive Speech 4 – Demonstrative Speech
5 – Group speech.

These are some assigments, outlines and homwork by Dr. Marta Tryzna

CHAPTER ONE: The World of Communication


I. Why Study Communication?
A. Formal study, or learning about communication and practicing communication, can improve skill.
B. Theories and principles help us make sense of what happens in our lives, and they have personal impact.
C. To study communication is to learn about much more than communication.
II. Defining communication –A systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings.
A. communication is a process because it is ongoing and always in motion, moving ever forward and changing continually.
B. communication is systemic because is occurs is a system of interrelated parts that affect one another.
C. communication happens through verbal and nonverbal symbols, or abstract, arbitrary, and ambiguous representations of other things.
D. communication involves meaning, or the heart of communication.
1. Content level of meaning –the literal message.
2. Relationship level of meaning –expresses the relationship between the communicators.
III. Values of communication –Communication shapes our personal, professional, and social lives as well as the culture in which we live.
A. Personal values
1. How we see ourselves reflects the views of us that others communicate.
2. communication with others directly influences our physical and emotional well-being.
B. Relationship values
1. A major distinction between relationships that endure and those that collapse is effective communication.
2. “Small talk” weaves our lives together.
C. Professional values
1. communication skills affect professional success.
2. In professional life, the costs of poor communication are great.
D. Cultural values
1. communication skills are important to the health of our society.
2. Citizens in a democracy must be able to express ideas and evaluate the ideas of others.
3. Civic and social life depends on our ability to listen thoughtfully to a range of perceptions and to communicate in a variety of ways.
IV. Models of communication –a number of models reflect increasingly sophisticated understandings of the communication process.
A. Linear models of communication
1. Laswell’s model described communication as a linear or one-way process in which one person acted on another person.
2. Shannon and Weaver extended Laswell’s model by adding that noise, or interferences, occur and may distort understanding between communicators.
B. Interactive models of communication
1. Realizing that listeners respond to senders led communication theorists to add a new feather to models. Responses to a message are called feedback.
2. Communicators create and interpret messages within personal fields of experience. The more communicators’ fields of experience overlap, the better they understand each other.
C. Transactional models of communication
1. Recognizes that everyone involved in communication both sends and receives messages, often simultaneously.
2. communication changes over time as a result of what happens between people.
3. communication includes both external and internal noise.
4. communication is a continuous, ongoing process.
5. communication occurs within systems that themselves affect communication and meanings.
6. Senders and receivers are defined as communicators who participate actively in the communication process.
V. The Breadth of the communication Field –The communication discipline dates back to more than 2,000 years.
A. Intrapersonal communication is communication with ourselves, or self-talk.
B. Interpersonal communication deals with communication between people.
C. Group communication includes social groups, decision-making committees, and work teams.
D. Mass communication and new communication technologies influence our thinking, working, and relating, and they influence how communication works.
E. Public communication is communication between one person and many.
F. Organizational communication refers to understandings about identity and codes of thought and action shared by members of an organization.
G. Intercultural communication scholars increase awareness of different cultures’ communication practices.
VI. Unifying Themes in the Field –Four themes underlie research and teaching in different branches of the field.
A. Symbolic Activities
1. Symbols are the basis of language, thinking, and much nonverbal behavior.
2. Symbols are abstract and allow reflection.
B. Meaning
1. The human world is one of meaning; we imbue every aspect of our lives with meaning.
2. Symbols are the foundation of meaning because they allow us to name, evaluate, reflect upon, and share experiences, ideas, and feelings.
C. Critical Thinking
1. To be a competent communicator, one must be able to think critically.
2. Critical thinking involves the abilities to examine ideas carefully to decide what to believe, think, and do.
3. Critical thinking enhances communication within and across contexts.
D. Ethics and Communication
1. All forms of communication involve ethical issues.
2. Ethics involves both communication and interpretation of others’ communication.
VII. Careers in communication –Communication skills are essential to most fields.
A. Research
1. Academic research is a vital and growing field of work.
2. communication specialists are also involved in media and business research.
B. Education
1. Teachers are needed for communication classes and often whole curricula.
2. The level at which a person can teach depends on the extent of his or her education.
3. communication educators also teach in areas beyond communication.
C. Media Production, Criticism, and Analysis
1. There are many career paths in media production for those interested in mass communication and new technologies of communication
2. Analysis and criticism of media are valuable career paths.
D. Training and Consulting
1. communication specialists often join organizations to design and teach courses or workshops that enhance employees’ communication skills.
2. communication specialists may form or join consulting firms that work with organizations.
E. Human Relations and Management
1. Many communication specialists build careers in human development or relations.
2. communication degrees also open doors to careers in management.

communication 3
Content level of meaning 4
Critical thinking 22
Feedback 10
Interpersonal communication 13
Intrapersonal communication 13
Noise 11
Organizational culture 15
Process 3
Relationship level of meaning 4
Symbol 4

Chapter One Homework
1. What does it mean that communication is a systemic process that uses symbols to create and interpret meanings?
– The first characteristic of the definition is Process which means it is continuing and always in motion.
– The second characteristic of the definition is Systematic which means that it happens within a system of unified parts that affect one another.

2. What are the different values of communication and how do they affect us personally?

There are four different values of communication, which are personal values, relationship values, professional values, and cultural values.
– The Personal Values: according to George Herbert Mead, personal values means

chapter 16

a. Time pattern: temporal, chronological relationship.

b. spatial pattern: physical relationship.

c. Topical pattern: categories, classes, areas of discussion.

d. Star pattern: flexible arrangement of topics.

e. cause-effect & effect-cause patterns: argues a direct relationship between two things.

2. communication apprehension: Some degree of anxiety about communicating in some situations.

– It can be reduced by four methods
a. systematic desensization

b. cognitive restructuring

c. positive visualization

d. skills training

3. Oral style: refers to spreakers’ visual, vocal, and verbal communication with listeners.

Style delivery: throughout this book we’ve seen that communication occurs in contexts that influence what will be effective and ineffective.

chapter 18

1. The aim is to change others by prompting them to think, feel, or act differently.

to make it effective

– the speaker should interact with the listeners, and keep listeners in mind.

– the speaker should remember that it’s not coercive.

– its effect usually incremental or gradual.

2. Pathos: refers to emotional reasons for attitude, beliefs or actions.

Ethos: refers to perceived personal character of the speaker.

Logos: its rational or logical proof.

3. Reliance on the halo effect

ex: Paris Hilton urges people to reserve a suite room in Hilton hotel


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